目前分類:觀影心得 (52)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2012-11-24 | Life of pi-信念與希望是最終的依歸 | (103) | (0) |
2012-10-14 | The perks of being a wallflower(壁花男孩)-永恆的青春 | (246) | (0) |
2012-07-21 | The Dark Knight Rises 完美戰役 | (30) | (0) |
2012-03-10 | Young Adult | (638) | (0) |
2012-01-28 | A separation 一場完美驚人的分居風暴 | (124) | (0) |
2012-01-23 | Weekend(愛在週末邂逅時) | (1838) | (2) |
2011-08-14 | 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 | (51) | (0) |
2011-06-19 | X-Men: First Class(X戰警 第一戰) | (49) | (0) |
2011-04-24 | Die Fremde(當我們離開的時候) | (1700) | (0) |
2011-02-20 | A Prophet (大獄言家) | (415) | (0) |
2011-02-08 | 最愛的人傷我最深 Blue Valentine | (183) | (0) |
2011-01-27 | 完美震懾的Black Swan(黑天鵝) | (224) | (0) |
2010-12-29 | The Social Network(社群網戰) | (35) | (0) |
2010-12-16 | 簡單真摯的Rabbit Hole | (299) | (2) |
2010-11-28 | 惡人 | (523) | (0) |
2010-07-19 | Inception(全面啟動) | (362) | (0) |
2010-07-11 | I Love You Phillip Morris(娘子漢大丈夫) | (108) | (0) |
2010-05-01 | 血脈賁張的Kick Ass | (97) | (0) |
2010-04-10 | Nowhere boy | (124) | (0) |
2010-03-14 | Up In The Air(型男飛行日誌) | (130) | (0) |
2010-02-21 | An Education | (108) | (0) |
2010-01-31 | CoCo Before Chanel(時尚女王香奈兒) | (54) | (0) |
2009-12-20 | 撼動不以的Avatar | (33) | (0) |
2009-11-08 | Moon(2009月球漫遊) | (344) | (1) |
2009-11-04 | Milk(自由大道) | (29) | (0) |
2009-11-03 | Adventureland(畢業即失業) | (235) | (0) |
2009-10-14 | I've Loved You So Long(我一直深愛著你) | (30) | (0) |
2009-03-21 | 布拉格練習曲 | (33) | (0) |
2009-02-08 | 面對現實只剩心碎的Revolutionary Road | (75) | (0) |
2008-10-07 | The Kite Runner(追風箏的孩子) | (28) | (0) |
2008-09-29 | Control(控制) | (37) | (0) |
2008-09-17 | Half Nelson(我的左派老師) | (142) | (0) |
2008-08-11 | Le fils de lépicier(雜貨店老闆的兒子) | (106) | (0) |
2008-07-20 | The Dark Knight(黑暗騎士) | (98) | (0) |
2008-07-04 | Sense and Sensibility(理性與感性) | (248) | (0) |
2008-06-03 | The Diving Bell and the Butterfly(潛水鐘與蝴蝶) | (21) | (0) |
2008-05-04 | My Blueberry Nights(我的藍苺夜)-王家衛怎麼了? | (43) | (0) |
2008-04-15 | 都是懷孕惹的禍! | (50) | (0) |
2008-04-03 | The Remains of the Day(長日將盡) | (505) | (0) |
2008-03-17 | 燦爛新人生 | (34) | (0) |
2008-03-10 | Margot at the Wedding-Well done Nicole!! | (28) | (0) |
2008-02-28 | 切成兩半的巴黎小情歌 | (13) | (0) |
2008-01-31 | Ratatouille(料理鼠王) | (671) | (0) |
2007-12-16 | Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(新天堂樂園) | (98) | (0) |
2007-11-01 | 自我救贖出口的Red Road | (42) | (0) |
2007-10-26 | I Served the King of England-我曾侍候過英國國王 | (89) | (0) |
2007-10-14 | Anche libero va bene(Along The Ridge)-屋頂上的童年時光 | (260) | (0) |
2007-09-28 | 色戒(二)--完 | (113) | (1) |
2007-09-27 | 色戒(一) | (26) | (0) |
2007-07-08 | 遺珠! | (14) | (0) |